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发表于 2004-12-10 03:45:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>消息来源于<!--StartFragment --><FONT face=Verdana color=#000000 size=2>Apolyton's forum,转载于CFC(2004/12/06)</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana>————————————————————</FONT></P>
<P>由于在Apolyton论坛上(与Civfanatics齐名的文明论坛)有的Fans对某些“无趣的游戏元素”可能会危及游戏的平衡性这一问题表示担忧,因此文明4的主设计师之一Soren Johnson为大家做了答复:</P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana color=#000000 size=2>Soren Johnson, lead designer for Civilization IV, responded to concerns by some fans that the removal of "unfun game elements" would endanger game balance over at <a href="http://apolyton.net/forums/showthread.php?postid=3476968#post3476968" target="_blank" >Apolyton's fourm</A>. Here is what Soren had to say:

<FONT color=brown>There seems to have been a lot of consternation about the "get rid of unfun elements" quote. Perhaps I should clarify. We have identified the game pieces of Civ which have caused the most user annoyances (pollution, corruption, etc.). Instead of trying to band-aid these problems, we are mostly tossing them out and implementing better systems that will require less micro-management, provide better high-level control, and still create interesting gameplay challenges. Pollution, for example, is being replaced by a more comprehensive "Health" system which has a large variety of positive and negative influences. There is no need to go into detail yet - even though I am sure you can imagine some of the factors - the important point is that we aren`t just chucking the whole thing.

The take-home here is that we understand that cleaning-up pollution is not fun. We can fix that!</FONT></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana color=#a52a2a>————————————————————</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=Verdana color=#a52a2a><FONT color=#000000>Soren Johnson</FONT>帅哥近照:</FONT></P><IMG src="http://www.firaxis.com/images/people/johnson_s.jpg" border=1>
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-11 0:08:23编辑过]

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