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A Better AI源代码下载和更新详细介绍

发表于 2006-11-30 21:39:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://sourceforge.net/docman/di ... amp;group_id=178407
2)建一个文件夹,用来存放和检查源代码用,名字可以叫A Better AI,或者在A Better AI下再建立个子目录,命名为BetterAITrunk或者任意你喜欢的名字。
3)右键你要导入源代码的文件夹,选择“SVN checkout”。
4)在对话窗口的“url repository”项目里面填写:
来搜索warloard战神A Better AI源代码库的最近更新
6)更新源代码方法,右键那个你存放源代码的文件夹,比如BetterAITrunk文件夹,选择“SVN update”,即可自动更新。可以选择“show log”查看更新日志。

第一次使用速度会慢些,因为要更新和检查C++ boost库和python文件。如果选择Only check out the top folder就不必检查这些了,速度快了,但是你可能会错过重要的东西。建议不要选择。
另外就是Tortoise (or Sourceforge)会周期发生网络连接问题,不过不用担心,只需要重新update就可以了。

发表于 2006-12-1 08:15:55 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-12-1 08:22:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-1-29 22:57:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-14 16:40:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-3-14 23:42:29 | 显示全部楼层


fix various AI/Auto Worker bugs and you can now download the updated AI mod for Warlords Patch 2.08.

Why might you want to use this mod? Firstly it is fully save-game compatible (if placed in CustomAssets) and game rules are completely unchanged. The change log includes some interesting improvements:

- Fix to irrigation chaining bugs which would result in the AI farming excessively and flip-flopping between farms and cottages.
- General worker unit AI improvements to make them more flexible, they will also stack.
- Auto workers now come back and road up resources which had been built before roads were available.
- Workers are now less fearful of enemy units, they should only run away if they are in actual danger of dying.
- Tweaks to auto workers to achieve a better balance of hammers, they should build more mines now.
- Code to add awareness of jungle chopping when choosing research.
- Great People usage improved, the AI should be less Golden Age happy, only starting one if it’ll actually pay off compared with lightbulbs/settling.
- Great Prophet Shrines valued a little more accurately.
- Great Merchant cash bomb logic added.
- AI's will now spend gold to perform deficit (100%) research and will decline to trade gold reserved for such research, enabling them to make better use of gold boons from huts, plunder, refunds, great merchants, etc.
- AI Missionary code adjusted - both when choosing destination and when determining the number needed.
- Awareness of freebie promotions (such as Aggressive Combat I, or Red Cross Medic I) when choosing which unit to train.
- The AI will now chop Wonders and will chop to assist a war effort.
- The AI will no longer pillage Barbarian Cities.
- City Founding logic has been improved, a bug was fixed which could "force" the AI to found on top of resources that it otherwise wouldn't, the AI is also aware of existing culture (it's own) making tiles workable.
- City Founding logic has been diversified, Creative leaders are more "Greedy", grabbing as many resources as possible per city, Organized leaders are the opposite, being more inclined to found cities right next to resources and founding more cities overall.

I now have a Sourceforge project page for source control and distribution, thanks to Iustus of CFC/RBCiv. My intention is to use that for distribution of date-stamped test builds, once a build has been confirmed to be mostly stable without crashes or glaring AI flaws it will be given a version number and uploaded to the major Civilization Sites mod repositories. You can help in this process by testing, both reporting things which appear broken and things which do work, of particular value would be experience on larger maps. I would greatly value any report of experience, even if it's as simple as "I played out a full game and didn't notice any problems". Save games, especially from later in the game (ie before a world war, entering industrial era...), would also be quite useful as testing grounds.

Since these will probably come up:
A Vanilla Build is not available yet, it is my intention to only work on Warlords and to get someone else to merge the changes back into Vanilla.
The AI is not better at tactics, yet. My AI should build better, research faster, pump out more stuff and be more varied in it's play style, but it's still just a big a dunce as ever on the battle field. As such there's not really much point in pointing out tactical flaws or problems.
I am not posting this in a modding forum because I believe that there will be people who are interested who do not frequent mod forums and since the base gameplay is unchanged it's not so much a mod as a user-made patch.

Link to the Sourceforge Project.
Link to the Original Thread at Apolyton.


PS. For feedback and stuff, this thread is as good a place as any for now. I'm also crossposting this over on Poly and will check both threads.
发表于 2007-3-14 23:44:49 | 显示全部楼层
First thing: Usage.

The zip you need is the one not containing the word "Source", the source means source code - you don't need that as a user.

In the zip you'll find a folder called BetterAI and inside that folder you'll find CvGameCoreDLL.dll. You can either place the betterAI folder inside your Mods folder then load it as a mod in game (using Advanced Menu), or you can take the CvGameCoreDLL.dll file and place it directely inside your CustomAssets folder (not any of the sub folders), which if you go to My Documents should be:
My Games/Warlords/Custom Assets/
在ZIP文件,你可以看到一个叫做BetterAI的目录,这个目录里面,有CvGameCoreDLL.dll,你可以把betterAI目录放到你的MOD目录,然后把它当作普通的MOD进行游戏。或者你把这个DLL文件,拷贝到你的CustomAssets目录下,一般是在“my documents"中的My Games/Warlords/Custom Assets/

To return to normal play simply delete the CvGameCoreDLL.dll file.

Both methods work equally well, I reccomend using the mod method if you use other mods, and the Custom Assets method if you don't play with mods.

Okay other things mentioned many times...

Difficulty Levels:
The first thing I want to point out is that my mod primarly addresses the mid to late game AI incompetence, where the AI starts to spin it's wheels and not go anywhere, like the AI couldn't make use of Biology at all. It is not much harder at the start of the game, I mean sure, I improved some things like workboat and worker gettage, and I've ensured the AI wont be left without critical techs like Pottery or Iron Working (if Jungled). The main thing, is you can't rely on the AI stagmenting, it's not enough to get a lead at one point in the game then sit on your laurels, trusting the AI's to stagment. Now the AI's can leverage many more techs and gain an advantage.

You certainly need a REAL edge to beat the AI's at Monarch+, you can't just rely on their incompetence to be their undoing. For example you can use smart wonder usage, or you can use the crutch of warmongering, altough I've noticed the AI is certainly capable of bogging down an invasion under sheer weight of units (and now I've made them chop during wars, yikes...).

My long term plan is to tie play style to difficulty level, there's a few things which could change by difficulty level. Firstly, the skill in taking cities, a higher level AI would only attack when it knows it will win, while the lowbies will continue with "lemming attacks" (or as I like to call it, "Whack a mole" gameplay). Other possibilities are things like city placement, with the higher level AI's going for more cities overall (I've noticed newbie players tend to place cities far too spread out). Also chopping and whipping tend to be used more by skilled players and I might make the AI do that.

For now, the advantage gained, is that the game is more "balanced" - it's no longer just an early game where you gain an advantage then cruise to victory. You can lower the difficulty level, and I hope, have a more interesting later game. Also I'm also adding more variety in the AI play styles, you'll probably recognize this the first time you see an AI switch to Pacifism, or if you download my new mod, when a Great Merchant appears on your borders - in other words, not only have I made the AI play stronger in the same way handicap bonuses do, I've also taught it new tricks.

Another topic: Tech Trading.
I have not changed this other than making them put a higher priority on Alphabet (in one monarch game I played every AI had alphabet by 1AD, I didn't, yikes, but that's an exception not the rule). The AI's have generally far better research power. With my newer mod, not only do they have the stronger economy, they can also leverage gold boni into research, what's more they no longer squander Great People, meaning they might use that mid game GS to pop Education and thus win liberalism rather than wasting him on a GA, the AI who bags the Economics GM will probably use him for a Cash Bomb, resulting in another burst of research. As far as I can tell, most of the AI's higher tech speed is from their sheer researching speed moreso than any change in tech trading - they just really do reserach that fast. My AI seems to have reached the point where on Monarch they research faster than old Emperor AI's, I'm very reliant on tech trading tricks I used to do on Emperor, like Compass for one.
发表于 2007-4-1 03:06:47 | 显示全部楼层
我把那个dll文件拷贝到My Games/Warlords/Custom Assets/里,结果进入游戏就出错。然后那个源代码下载下来究竟有什么用?
发表于 2007-5-7 13:21:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-4 01:07:13 | 显示全部楼层

各位大虾,  请问有没有懒人用的那种, 直接装就可以用的?
发表于 2007-6-5 00:21:23 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-5 12:38:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-5 19:08:04 | 显示全部楼层


杀人么就是一个if then

发表于 2007-6-25 18:11:40 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-25 18:22:01 | 显示全部楼层
better AI里面有个匕首策略,有点像GameTheory在11L的方法

但后来又改了很多,因为如果玩家不小心是那个国家的邻国的话 ................

[ 本帖最后由 孟仲玄 于 2007-6-25 18:23 编辑 ]
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