

楼主: object022

[原创] CIV5新资料片确认:《美丽新世界》 附4篇报道翻译

发表于 2013-3-15 20:48:26 | 显示全部楼层
Civilization V is due out this Summer for a suggested price of $29.99

夏天,那就是6月了。 而且以文明系列一贯咽喉的风格, 8月居多。

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发表于 2013-3-15 20:48:39 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-15 20:52:13 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-15 20:54:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 20:56:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 trane123 于 2013-3-15 20:48 发表

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-15 20:57:25 | 显示全部楼层



There’s going to be a second major Civilization V expansion. It’s called Brave New World, it introduces 9 new Civs, the concepts of tourism, ideologies, international trade routes and archaeology, and basically it sounds like it’s pretty huge on an under-the-hood front. I had a big chat with Firaxis lead programmer Ed Beach and senior producer Dennis Shirk on what’s in there, why, how it works and why we’ll be forming impressive in-game art collections.

文明5将迎来被称为《美丽新世界》的第二个资料片。这个资料片将带来9个新文明,以及旅游业、意识形态、国际贸易和考古等新概念。看起来在这段描述下还隐藏了很多内容。我和Firaxis的Ed Beach和Dennis Shirk进行了一次很长的交谈,主要谈及的内容是资料片的新内容是什么、为何存在和运作方式,以及"为什么能够在游戏中找到令人印象深刻的美术收藏"。

RPS: I guess the thing is to sum up for me and the readers how this is going to make Civ V different.


Ed Beach: We felt like with Gods and Kings, we’d really done a good job looking at the early to mid-part of the game, adding a lot of content and a lot of richness to the game there, with the new religion systems and then later with the espionage system. And we didn’t want to ignore that part of the game entirely, so we’ll talk later about the international trade routes which definitely come into play right at the very beginning of the game and are a big new change there.

Overall what we wanted the focus for this expansion to be was to look at that back half of the game from when you get into the twentieth century, and then you push on to one of the four different types of victories that are supported in Civilisation V, and we wanted to ramp up the tension and excitement level in that part of the game. So there are two things that we did: one was that we looked at the conflicts of the twentieth century. We already had a concept we just started to introduce in Civ V a little bit about different ideologies, where we had a freedom policy tree, an order policy tree, and an autocracy policy tree, and we wanted to bring that to the fore and really make civilisations make a commitment to one of those three different types of ideologies.

So when you reach the modern era you have to look around the world, see who’s going with which of the ideologies, who’s your friend, what type of victory you want to pursue, which ideologies might help you get there. You’ve got to make a key decision at that part of the game, are you going to be a freedom Civ, are you maybe going to take the workers of your country and try to unite them and get behind order and push towards victory that way? So there’s a big decision point there, big political and diplomatic blocks form around that, and that’s sort of where the tension towards the end of the game revolves.

Ed Beach:我们对《神佑君王》很满意,通过加入新的宗教和晚些出现的间谍系统,它极大地丰富了前中期的游戏进程。我们不愿意忽略那些在整个游戏进程中都起到作用的设计,因此晚些时候会讨论国际贸易,它在游戏的一开始就起到了不小的作用。

RPS: And you’re completely locked to it once you choose it, presumably there’s no way to switch out to another one?


Ed Beach: Mostly. You can change it. You probably don’t want to, but there is this idea of a brand new system we have for cultural victory. Before in cultural victory all you were trying to do was just fill up policy trees, and you weren’t interacting with the other civilisations at all, very, very different now with Brave New World.

With Brave New World what you’re doing is you’re creating Great Works as well as Wonders, basically all sorts of different items that will attract people to want to come and visit your civilisation and sample all the great elements of culture that you have present in your civilisation. That starts producing what we call Tourism, and what you’re doing with the Tourism is you’re taking the glories of your civilisation and you’re pushing it out on all the other players and civilisations in the world, and getting them to realise what an amazing civilisation you’ve created.

If you push that cultural pressure out on them hard enough, and you have a different ideology than they do, then you can actually start to see effects in the game that are sort of similar to the 1989 bringing down of the Berlin wall, maybe Arab Spring sort of thing that we’ve seen more recently, where the people within those AI civilisations will start to become very unhappy about their leadership having adopted an unpopular ideology. And they will actually gain a whole bunch of unhappiness and they can actually choose, wow, we really need to switch and adopt freedom or order, or whatever the ideology that’s putting that cultural pressure on them is.

Ed Beach:基本上是这样。实际上你可以改变它,但是大部分情况下你不打算去做。因为我们还为新的文化胜利构建了新的系统。在早先的文明5中,文化胜利就是尽力填满政策树,没有任何和其他文明的交流。在《美丽新世界》中,这个情况将会被完全颠覆。



RPS: So you could basically disrupt someone’s autocracy and either they roll with it and adapt to what their people want or they basically end up losing because they’re in a state of revolt?


Ed Beach: Right. And as a player, if you are put in that position, then, you were saying do you ever switch ideologies, well you could, you might be in a situation where maybe you’re a very scientific player and you’ve been ignoring this whole cultural, diplomatic, theological battle, but your people are telling you that you picked the wrong ideology. You could go and switch to a different one and hopefully get your scientific progress still fast enough that you can get to the finish line before everyone else does.

Ed Beach:是的。作为玩家,如果你遇到了这个局面,就是说你选择了意识形态之后,比如将发展重心放在科研上面而一直忽略文化、外交、意识形态的争斗,但你的人民却一直告诉你你的道路是错的。这种时候你可以选择听从人民的建议选择其他意识形态,并且期待你的科研进度依然足够快速来在他人之前获得胜利。

Dennis Shirk: And you can certainly suck it up, if you’re not playing a culture game and your people are getting brow-beaten by this other ideology and they want to switch, I might decide to do the strongman thing and instead build plenty of happiness-inducing buildings and try to offset that loss of happiness to stick with the ideology that I believe in. So as a player you have options for that.

Dennsi Shirk:当然你也可以忍着。如果你的游戏重点并不在文化上,并且你的人民已经被其他的意识形态胁迫并要求改变,我也许会做一些强硬的事情:建造大量快乐建筑来抵消意识形态导致的不满,从而坚持自己的道路。因此,作为一个玩家,面对这种局面时你有选择的自由。

RPS: And the AI will presumably be trying to do the same to you, or does it behave a different way to how a player would in that regard?

Ed Beach: It’s playing the same game you are.

Ed Beach:你们在一局游戏里,当然会用一样的策略。

RPS: Ok. And with the ideologies, presumably there can be any amount of say, freedom ideologies, they don’t get taken out of play like building a wonder does once the first person chooses it or anything?

Ed: That’s correct, that’s a good point because the way the religion system works is as you’re configuring your religion, you’re pulling those religious beliefs out of the common pool, and once you lock that belief into your religion, it wasn’t available to anyone else.

Ideologies are a little bit different but they are more free-form than the social policy trees that are in the game right now, where there are five different choices, and the way they branch is all kind of hard-wired into them. With the ideology system, we just have level one, level two and level three social policies, we actually call them ideological tenets, and you can mix and match those and configure them. You can’t get a level three tenet until you have a certain number of pre-requisite level one and level two tenets, but you can kind of build up your own ideology. Your Russian order ideology is drawing from the same pool as the Chinese order ideology of your neighbour, but they might decide to choose exactly what social policies are slotting in where, and build it a little bit differently than you are.


RPS: Does it become more unpredictable as opposed to the more common long-winded stalemate that we do see in games in Civ?


Dennis Shirk: I personally think it’s become more unpredictable because especially the new battle of the culture game, your outgoing culture versus their incoming, et cetera, that battle means that you never quite know if you’re going to win. Just like if you’re playing Domination, you can try your best but sometimes you’re going to hit a roadblock. You might find that other civilisation that has this culture game that’s as strong as yours that might be really difficult to overcome, so you decide ‘I’m pretty far in the tech tree, I’m going to start switching to that’ and go for a spaceship instead, or decide to get to a culture victory by capturing all their great works or something like that.

I think you have play styles that you can switch to now whereas before, especially with the culture game, you couldn’t really switch. When you’d started down the culture path, you were dedicated to that. You couldn’t easily switch to a culture victory, you couldn’t gear up suddenly for a domination win. So I think the play styles are going to be a lot more varied.

Dennis Shirk:我个人认为你说的没错,特别是因为新的文化战争的存在:你的文化输出和他们自身的文化对抗,等等。这样的战争意味着你没法知道你是否会胜利。就像你打算走征服胜利的道路,你倾尽全力但也可能遇到障碍。你也许会发现和你一样强盛的其他文明正在走上文化国家的道路而难以对付,因而你会想“我已经在科技上领先了,因此我要去造飞船”从而转向科技胜利,或者占领放置众多杰作的城市来获得文化胜利。


Ed Beach: And part of that is that each of the ideologies, there are three ideological trees, and each of them supports three different ways, three of the different victory types with a lot of the ideological tenets that you can purchase within that ideology system. So for instance, if I’m playing as a freedom civilisation and I want to go for a culture victory, in that particular game what I want to do is, freedom gets huge bonuses for building broadcast towers in cities, and spreading their culture in that sort of Radio Free Europe, Voice of America type style, and that’s one way to go to a culture victory. But it might be very different if I’m playing as an order civilisation.

The way that the order civilisation wants to get to the culture victory, is they want the workers of the world to unite, and so if you can have a civilisation where your people’s happiness is very, very high, and all the other civilisations in the world see ‘wow, they have very great happy workers in their order civilisation, maybe that’s the way that we should be going,’ and you actually get bonuses to go towards the victory in that circumstance by trying to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat and making the workers of the world all happy with everything.

We have four different victory types, but a lot of the different ideologies actually have different ways to play the game to get to those victory types, so again another explosion of different ways to play through the game.

Ed Beach:还有,对于每个意识形态,将会有三颗意识形态树,每棵树都拥有大量的信条,可以在意识形态系统内购买,在某个方面和某种胜利方式上提供支持。比如,如果我作为一个选择了自由的文明并且打算文化胜利,在一局游戏里我打算做的是:自由将为城市中的广播塔提供大量加成,以像“自由欧洲电台”或者“美国之音”之类的方式散布自己的文化。这就是取得文化胜利的方式之一。但是如果我选择了秩序并打算走文化胜利,路线就会很不一样。



RPS: You mentioned this tourism concept for culture; is that something that’s actually visible in any way or is it more just a concept to explain the number as it were?


Dennis Shirk: It’s very visible, what we’ve basically done is before you just generated culture, you built lots of buildings, you filled up your tech trees. Now the culture yield itself is actually a defence for your civilisation, the amount of culture you’re pushing out. When you get to around a third of the way through the game, you’re going to start generating great people: great artists, great writers, great musicians, and they’re going to be able to create a great work of art or a great work of music in the game, and we actually have, in your cultural buildings now, we have slots for these, so one of your great artists might create ‘Starry Night’ and you put that in one of your museums.

Dennis Shirk:这是一个确实存在的数值。在之前的游戏里,你要做的是生产文化点,建造建筑,爬完科技树。现在文化产出本身就是你防御外来文化侵袭的力量。当你的游戏进行到三分之一时,你会开始获得伟人:大艺术家、大作家、大音乐家。他们可以创造杰作,比如一幅巨画或者一首交响乐。现在你的文化建筑里将为这些杰作留出位置,因此你的大艺术家可能创作出一幅“星空”并将它放在你的美术馆里。

That piece of work now is creating tourism, and it’s an actual yield, and you’re staring to build up tourism. Later on when archaeology comes online, you’re going to be running around on a second phase of exploration and discovery in the world when archaeology comes up because there’s now all these digs around the world that are actually reflections of stuff that happened earlier in the game where a battle might have taken place, where a barbarian camp was. You can extract artefacts from these sites and also put them in your museums.


Some of your wonders now have different great work spots, they create tourism. So you’re now creating tourism in parallel with creating culture, and that’s going to directly go head to head with other people’s culture, and you can get bonuses,. In other words if you have open borders with another civilisation, that creates a boost for your tourism. If you’ve got trade routes to that other civilisation, more boosts to your tourism. So it’s an ongoing battle that really becomes dynamic late in the game, because late in the game when you have a lot of tourism being pumped out, other civilisations might have to take notice and start creating more culture to defend against it, because their culture’s now being overwhelmed by your pushing tourism, it’s a dynamic way to play that game.


Ed Beach: We actually have a screen in the game where it’s a way for you to browse all the great works and amazing things that your civilisation has created. You can click on those, bring the painting back up, listen to the music again, just sort of enjoy your civilisation’s culture if you want to.

Ed Beach:我们设立了一个界面让你观看你的文明所拥有的所有杰作和其他有趣的东西。你可以点击他们,重新观察它们,或者是重新收听。如果你喜欢,尽情地欣赏这种文化吧。

RPS: The archaeology thing, does that actually reflect previous in-game events like would you actually find a relic on a battle you know you’d been involved in a century earlier, or is it random?


Ed: It actually is, and as battles occur earlier in the game, we’re writing data onto the map, storing that information, and so at the point in time whenever the first civilisation discovers archaeology, at that point in time we do sort of lock down where all those different, we call them antiquity sites, are.

Those antiquity sites we keep track of, which civilisations were involved, whether it was a battle, whether it was an ancient ruin that was uncovered or a barbarian camp that was destroyed, and so that’s exactly when your archaeologist goes there, he’s going to try to extract that item and he’ll be able to take it back and create another great work, an artefact, and put it in the museum. And based on the different types of museums you have, you’re sort of trying to collect different types of archaeological pieces.

So for instance the Louvre, if you think about the Louvre, it’s got art, archaeological things, all sorts of things from across the world. So for instance, if you build the Louvre wonder, trying to fill that with a great diversity of different works of art and artefacts from all sorts of cultures from around the world, and the better you satisfy those what we call theming bonuses from the different wonders and museums in your civilisation, the extra points of culture and tourism that you can generate.


Dennis Shirk: It’s actually a really interesting mini-game that kind of happened into being that our community gameplay testers really started to enjoy, because you’ve got this UI that you can bring up that shows all of your great works and artefacts in all of your different buildings. As Ed said, theming them or matching them up or putting all the ones that you’ve found in one particular building, you can get different variations on these tourism buffs, like plus two tourism or plus four tourism, if you theme them well, so actually discovering the themes because we’re not documenting them. It’s up to the fans to find all these different kinds of themes. It can give you big benefits, but it’s actually a lot of fun just seeing what will actually match up from similar time periods, the kind of variety and diversity of artwork you put into place. Very cool.

Dennis Shirk:在我们的社区测试者中,收集各种各样的杰作成为了一个非常有趣的小游戏。因为我们拥有一个用户界面,让玩家观赏不同建筑中杰作展览的画面。像Ed说的,通过布置它们,将他们对应放置到各个建筑中,或者将所有杰作塞进一个建筑里,将会得到各种各样不同的加成,如果你能合理地布置它们,就可以获得例如+2或者+4的观光点数。我们并没有发布如何布置这些杰作的官方文档,因此这些布置的方法要靠玩家自己发现。寻找各种组合的任务将由玩家们自己完成,它将给你不小的加成,但实际上看着这些杰作如何在相近的时间上进行互相匹配,这种多样性和多元化才是游戏的真正乐趣。

RPS: You mentioned the trade route stuff could happen right from the start of the game?


Ed Beach: Yes, what happens is that both land and sea trade routes open up right in the ancient era, you get one of each type typically, and as the game progresses you can get more and more of those, and those represent the way your civilisation generates additional wealth. It used to be in Civ V that settling along a sea coast or along a river gave you free gold. We’ve taken that gold out of the game and now you actually have to earn it by creating these trade routes.

Trade routes not only shift gold back and forth, but as the game progresses and the other systems in the game unlock, you can start to see that maybe you’re trading with a civilisation that’s much more advanced than you are scientifically. You’re actually getting a trickle of science back from that interchange of goods. You’ll also see, once the religion game is in place, that religion will spread along trade routes. You might want to think twice about whether or not you want to hook up a trade route to somebody who has a very strong religion’s holy city. That might be good if you want that religion to come into your civilisation, but if you’re trying to keep it at bay, you may not want to do that.

So the trade routes, you can unlock by the end of the game, you usually have seven or eight trade routes at least, and there are a lot of different implications for what cities you decide to hook up with with trade, what other civilisations you’re connecting to, there’s a lot of depth added to the economic side of the game with that new system.

Ed Beach:是的。在一开始的远古时代,你会获得一条陆路贸易和一条海路贸易,随着游戏进程你会获得更多,这些线路代表了你的文明获得额外金钱产出的方式。在原版游戏里,海岸和河岸将给你的地块+1金钱,现在这个加成被取消了,你需要自己构建航路来取得这些优势。

Dennis Shirk: And keep in mind, these aren’t just nebulous UI trade routes that float around the map; you actually build the units, you build a caravan, you build a route and they act as an automated unit. When you build your caravan you decide to assign it to a trade route, it comes up with a city list and shows you all the benefits of the different cities in the area that you can connect to, and then it’s going back and forth and you have to also protect those routes because barbarians can kill the caravan. If you’re at war with someone they can come and find your routes and destroy them, so there’re actual physical units on the map that you interact with. They’re not just a nebulous concept that you have to just bring up a UI screen to look at.

Dennis Shirk:同时记住,我们不只有朦胧不清的UI;你需要建造贸易单位,比如一个商队或者一个货船,他们将会自动行动。当你打算指定它的目标地时,你会得到一个城市列表,列出可以开展贸易路线的城市,以及和这个城市贸易能够得到的好处。之后它会在两个城市间来回往返,你有时候也需要保护它们,因为它们会被野蛮人摧毁。如果你和别的文明开战,他们也会找到你的商队并摧毁它。因此它们是地图上确实存在的单位,和其他单位一模一样,并不是仅仅是一个界面可以表示的模糊概念。

RPS: Presumably you need to have discovered all the cities they can go to, just because you said it would work from the start of the game and obviously the map starts off dark, they couldn’t just head off into the ether and find someone to do it with automatically?


Ed Beach: Correct, although you don’t necessarily have to have uncovered every step on the path, they’ll be able to come up with the best sea route even if you haven’t explored all of it, but as long as you’ve found that other city on the coast you can open up trade with them.

Ed Beach:对,尽管你没有必要探开路线上的每一个格子,他们依然可以通过最佳的海路进行贸易。只要你找到了一个沿海城市,就可以和他们进行贸易。

Dennis Shirk: But they don’t have visibility, in other words they might pass right underneath the fog and that’s where the barbarians might be, so it actually behoves you to have some military units out in the ether, keeping your paths lit up to make sure nothing bad happens to your financial goods as they’re heading off into the fog.

Dennis Shirk:但是商队没有视野。换句话说他们可能从迷雾下穿过,那里可能有野蛮人等着你。因此理所当然你最好是用军队探开迷雾,保证你的路线上视野开阔,保证商队行进时不会有什么坏事发生。

[ 本帖最后由 object022 于 2013-3-16 10:27 编辑 ]




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发表于 2013-3-15 20:57:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 20:58:58 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 holyyang 于 2013-3-15 20:57 发表

不是吧。 我查过,美帝的春夏秋冬和我们是一样的.....

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-3-15 20:59:26 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 21:00:36 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 21:05:58 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 21:09:30 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 idontknow 于 2013-3-15 20:48 发表
Civilization V is due out this Summer for a suggested price of $29.99

夏天,那就是6月了。 而且以文明系列一贯咽喉的风格, 8月居多。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-3-15 21:10:11 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 holyyang 于 2013-3-15 20:48 发表
brave new world是法国作家赫胥黎所作的著名反乌托邦科幻小说,和乔治奥威尔的1984齐名,一般译作美丽新世界。不知道这次四字译名怎么弄。

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发表于 2013-3-15 21:13:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 21:15:05 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 object022 于 2013-3-15 20:54 发表

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发表于 2013-3-15 21:15:17 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 idontknow 于 2013-3-15 20:56 发表


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发表于 2013-3-15 21:19:38 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 xcross 于 2013-3-15 21:22 编辑 ]
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发表于 2013-3-15 21:24:52 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2013-3-15 21:25:31 | 显示全部楼层

回复 20# 的帖子

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发表于 2013-3-15 21:26:30 | 显示全部楼层
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