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详细信息—IGN E3展后访谈文明4(已翻译)

发表于 2005-5-19 14:50:46 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P>E3 2005: Civilization IV
by Steve Butts—2005/05/17
<P>高级制作人Barry Caudill为我们提供了游戏的初步资料</P>
<P>尽管过一段时间我们就可以知道这款作品(Civilization IV)最后的样子,可Firaxis的制作小组却将消息守得很紧。现在,可能他们对于我终日不停地电话骚扰已经厌烦的受不了,而且担心又把我给弄哭(哈哈!这编辑够强的!)。因此Firaxis的高级制作人Barry Caudill最终同意了接受我的采访。
<P>Barry Caudill:是的,没错。这就是为什么我们在Firaxis工作的很好……否则的话我们就都要去领取救济金了。是吧?(两个人在开玩笑)</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:游戏刚开始的阶段,就像以前的文明游戏涵盖的范围一样,这是大家都知道也都喜欢的。也就是游戏仍将跨越从公元前4000年到公元2050年的历史长度,但是在这一过程中,玩家怎样进行自己的旅程将使游戏产生不同。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:就像希德·梅尔的《海盗!》一样,在《文明4》中我们使用的Gamebryo引擎可以真正的展开视野。我们的主要目标之一就是为大家带来一个生动的世界。因此你可以看到河流的流动,各种资源如马匹、牛群和大象的动画,而且当这些资源开始“工作”(指的是被使用)的时候还会有不同的动画进行表现,等等……另外,单位移动和战斗的场面将比以前有趣和令人兴奋得多!我们将尽量实现所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的方式,使得先前许多要在游戏菜单或界面中才能得到的信息可以一目了然,在世界地图上你就随时可以看到奇迹在那一座城市中。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:除了上面提到的以外,我们还设置了大量的小提示(Tips)和弹出式(Pop-up)的帮助菜单。我们觉得你当然可以通过主界面视角来进行整个游戏,但如果你是一名真正的热情玩家就应当深入到其他的界面中去。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:我们已经设置了常见的几个强大文明,比如法兰西、德意志、英格兰、美利坚、中华文明、日本等,我们也会设置许多其它的文明或者将保留在资料片中出现,比如印加和玛雅或者全新的文明——马里(非洲西部文明)。目前版本的《文明4》总共有18个文明。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:是的,《文明4》中很好的保留了文化的设置,不过整合了一些元素。一种与以往不同的方式是——在《文明3》中,当你建立了一座新城市,你总能够保证有一个最小的文化等级(指至少拥有一个文化设施后)进行城市文化范围的扩张。但在《文明4》中不会有这种情况,你必须发展你的文化否则就有被强大邻国文化包容的危险。这将有可能产生象卢森堡公国和瑞士这样的完全被邻国边界所包裹的国家。我们还将《文明3》中的奢侈品支出比率调节滑块改变为文化支出比率调节滑块。增长的文化等级会让人民更加快乐而且还会为你的整个文明创造更多的文化。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:在《文明4》中,AI将会很尊重玩家的边界,否则就会向你开战,但是你也可以通过谈判来开放边境允许他们通过。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:这个系统被极大的扩展了,还增加了许多资源,并且全部都是可交易的。一些新的资源,比如大理石,将有助于加快奇迹的建设;一些食物资源将有助于增强所有城市居民的健康;还有一些比如铁或铜,将允许你生产某些单位。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:你将可以交易食物资源,但这将影响你所有城市的健康水准。但不影响城市的成长潜力(指人口的增长)。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:《文明4》中将不再有静态的时代纪元,而是更像《文明3》之前的文明作品。我们去掉了军团,但是创建了许多可以让用户自定义的特性,并且令单位可以反击!我们还改变了轰炸型单位的工作方式,他们现在就像以前文明游戏中的混合型部队一样。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:《文明4》中将不再设置政府,你可以选择各种不同的公民并将他们联合起来组成你所希望的政府类型。举个例子:你可能会是一个拥有普选权的神权专制国家,或者是拥有世袭传统的和平主义奴隶制国家。公民分为5种类型——政府型、法律型、劳动型、经济型和宗教型,在你发展到一定水平后,其中的每一个(再加上和另一种组合)都可能产生5种结果。AI领袖们将会偏好于喜爱某几种类型的公民,他们可能会要求你转变为他们的类型,或者要求你不许再领导这些公民。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:如果文明将探索的第一个科技选择在构造某个宗教体系方面,那么他们将以该宗教为基础建立一座圣城,并且宗教将开始传播。尽管速度很慢,但是你可以通过创造并派出传教士来加快这一进程,他们将会尝试去转化别的城市。而且,像公民一样,AI领袖们也会想办法将你的城市转化过去。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:我们并不想疏远这些,但是我们更多地把注意力集中在一些更严肃更有意义的问题上面。就像我所提到的一样,奴隶制只是对公民类型的选择,除此之外的并不是奴隶;瘟疫并不是直接的模仿,而是通过构想一种用有限的食物和资源来影响城市健康水平的方式进行模拟;意识形态的冲突是在AI领袖之间因相互诋毁,而且偏好于某几种特定的宗教或公民的时候就会发生的。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:在这方面我们考虑了很多,《文明4》中将会有不同类型的伟人,比如先知、艺术家和科学家。当你的文明产生一位领袖,你就可以通过他们做一些特殊的事情,比如自动研究一项科技或者建造奇迹。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:不同的单位类型将通过强壮和虚弱两种属性来进行区别。例如,长枪兵对抗骑马作战单位将具有一定优势;而斧头兵特别善于对付近战搏斗单位。我们放弃了分别设定攻击和防御值的做法,取而代之的是一个单独的强力等级。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:在早期的原型阶段,我们就确定了更多并不就是更好。为了让作战过程更加流畅并且凸现新的晋升系统,我们实际上决定减少一些单位。但是仍然会有一些单位在以前的作品中没有出现过,比如手榴弹兵和骑射手,而且战象也不再是单个文明的特殊单位了。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:我认为晋升系统就可以加强这种自定义性,随着单位的晋升将产生更多种不固定的作战方式,而且使用他们并不需要必须达到某个科技水平。晋升系统包括:丛林与森林作战加权、城市防御作战、攻城作战、侧翼包抄或者只是强力等级的加权。你将不需要改变单位原有的类型就可以通过这种系统按照你的规划得到特殊的单位。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:与《文明3》相比主要有两个改变:一是将不再划分研究领域了,玩家将可以自由选择任何一条研究路线,无论是纯军事的、纯科学的,还是平衡型的等等都可以;二是你将不必为了一项科技而必须把它的所有前提科技全部研究完,而只需要研究到它就可以得到了。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:在《文明4》中,当你与别人签订了贸易协定后就会自动建立贸易路线。而且河流的作用相当于道路(只是在贸易方面),在一条河边的两座城市即使没有道路连接也可以建立贸易路线。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:在间谍系统中将不会含有任何与恐怖主义行径相关联的选项。但是你将可以像在以前的文明游戏中一样创建间谍单位,并且指挥他们完成你想做的事情。在外交中,你可以作为调停者劝说两个正在发生战争的文明停战,你甚至还可以在自己不参战的情况下要求一个文明对另一个宣战!</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:和你想的差不多,我们已经设计了领土胜利、征服胜利、外交胜利和空间竞赛胜利,还设计出文化胜利以使得结尾更加有趣。最终,我们又增加了一种——联盟胜利,你将可以和盟友一同分享胜利。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:平衡性一直是我们优先考虑的事情,而且我们也努力使战争与和平的衔接显得更自然。《文明4》中加入了可以调节游戏速度的设定,让你可以依据自己的喜好和时间来进行游戏。你可以选择快速、普通或者史诗这三种速度。普通模式就像以前标准的文明游戏一样,快速和史诗模式将以一种迅捷的或者冗长的方式深度刻画文明的每一个方面,让你全面的体验文明。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:在《文明4》中,我们令生产有所倾斜(可能指不同文明或地区生产同一种设施或单位消耗的生产力不同)。新的3D世界将带来以往完全不能达到的体验。我们雇用了配音天才为游戏的各个方面进行了配音。而且我很高兴得告诉你,奇迹建设的影片表现得以再现!在游戏中将会有超过45段壮观的影片剪辑。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:我敢跟你打赌!这个游戏从头到尾就是为多人游戏设计的,而且我们从一年半以前就开始多人游戏的设计了。玩家将可以通过局域网或者互联网在传统的回合制模式下竞争,或者同步进行游戏。我们将使用Gamespy作为互联网平台。其他的方式还包括热作模式、电子邮件对战,还有一种我们称之为“Pitboss”的通过固定回合制服务器进行对战的模式。</P>
<P>地图上的小房子(指农场、房舍、矿井等……)的工作方式和RTS游戏中的差不多,就像国王时代(Age of Kings)、魔兽争霸3(Warcraft 3)那样。同一组的玩家将可以共享地图上的设施、共享奇迹赋予的好处、共享研究成果(甚至可以两个人共同研究一项科技以加快研发速度)、共同训练单位,还能共享领土!所有这些设定将为玩家带来大量新的战略和战术选择。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:《文明4》将会是历来的文明游戏中可修改性(moddable)最强的作品。玩家可以在XML文件中编辑基本的状态和属性;而对于高级玩家来说,游戏中的大部分都可以用Python语言编辑,因此修改者们(modders)可以自己编辑事件,并可以更多的控制游戏中系统运作的方式。甚至对于拥有编程能力的玩家来说,我们还打算提供AI的SDK,让他们对游戏进行深度的自定义。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:包括我在内,这个团队中一共有38名成员在这项工程的各个环节上工作着,还有一些工作被外包(contracted out)出去了,另外在今年夏天还会有几个实习人员参与进来。我们在2年前就开始这项计划了,并且打算在假日的时候制作完成。(原句:and expect to have it in stores for the holidays.个人推测可能是夏末)</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:从设计的角度来看,所有的主要系统已经完成,而我们的主设计师/程序师Soren Johnson正将他的大部分时间花费在AI的设计与调整上。很多方面已经不错了,但在今年夏天作全面的测试之前,游戏的艺术风格和程序编制上还有一些事情要做。在这个阶段,做任何别的事情都会引起分心,但我们喜欢你的采访,这不是什么问题。</P>
<P>Barry Caudill:你说得对,我们确实已经懒散了。Firaxis在过去9年里只获得了10个奖项。事实上我们收到了许多要求制作《殖民地》续作的请求,但我们现在并无此打算。但是确实是需要考虑一下未来了,不能再下滑了……</P>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-20 20:41:13编辑过]

 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-19 14:54:01 | 显示全部楼层
<P>这是英语原文:</P><P>E3 2005: Civilization IV
Senior producer Barry Caudill provides us with our first look at the game.
by Steve Butts</P><P>May 17, 2005 - Long a favorite of turn-based strategy fans, Sid Meier's Civilization franchise has gone through quite a few incarnations since it was first released almost 15 years ago. Each new version of the game and each new expansion built upon the core premise of leading your civilization throughout history, from the founding of its first cities to its eventual colonization of other planets.</P><P>Though we've known about an upcoming sequel for some time now, the folks at Firaxis have been pretty tight with the information. Now, mostly because they're tired of me calling them every day and are probably worried about making me cry again, Firaxis's senior producer Barry Caudill finally consented to answer our questions about the game.</P><P>IGNPC: Sweet Civilization. You realize I have to quit my job once this game comes out, right?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Yes we do, that's why it's good we work here at Firaxis...or we'd all be on the dole J Oh...was that rhetorical?</P><P>IGNPC: Anyway, let's start with the big picture. Will the basic arc or premise of the game change much from previous versions? Are you extending further into the future, for instance?</P><P>Barry Caudill: At its most basic level, this is the same scope of Civilization people have come to know and love. That means we still cover the usual time period of 4000 BC to 2050 AD, but it's how we make the journey that will set this game apart.</P><P>IGNPC: Tell us about the new 3D engine. What's the overall visual presentation like? Will there be a bit more life and animation on the map? Can we expect a variety of perspectives here?</P><P>Barry Caudill: As with Sid Meier's Pirates!, we are using the Gamebryo engine and that allows us to really open up the visuals in Civilization 4. One of our main goals was to really bring the world to life. So you will see rivers flowing, resources like horses, cattle, or elephants animating, and different animations when those resources are being "worked", etc. In addition, unit movement and combat will be much more interesting and exciting than ever before. We are also shooting for a WYSIWYG approach where you will know what city a wonder is in because you can see it in the world, along with many other aspects previously relegated to menus and screens.</P><P>IGNPC: What else can you tell us about the basic interface? What types of information will the player be able to take in on the main game screen?</P><P>Barry Caudill: In addition to what was listed previously, we are also including tons of tool tips and pop-up help. We feel like you should be able to play the whole game from the main map view and you should only have to get into some of the screens if you are a true power user.</P><P>IGNPC: Tell us about some of the new civs. I imagine we'll have the usual suspects from the European and Mediterranean sets but are there other, less obvious choices in store? Will we be seeing a return of the civ traits?</P><P>Barry Caudill: We will definitely have the usual major powers like France, Germany, England, America, China, Japan, etc. We will also be including many Civs that are either new or usually saved for expansions like the Incas or the Aztecs or the totally new Mali. In all there will be 18 Civs in the shipped version of Civilization 4.</P><P>IGNPC: Culture was a pretty new concept when it was introduced in Civilization 3. Has that mechanic found its way into the sequel? Have there been any changes to it?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Yes, culture is alive and well in Civilization 4 but it has been tweaked a bit. One of the ways is somewhat mechanical in nature. In Civilization 3, you were always guaranteed a minimum level of cultural expansion when you planted a new city. That is not the case in Civilization 4. You will have to develop your culture or risk being enveloped by a larger neighbor. This leads to the interesting possibility of creating a Luxembourg or Switzerland completely engulfed by another Civ's borders. We also tweaked Civilization 3's luxury slider and turned it into a culture slider. Raising the culture level makes people happier and helps produce more culture for your entire Civ.</P><P>IGNPC: One aspect of the cultural game in Civilization 3 that really aggravated players was the lack of respect the AI showed for your borders. Are you planning to address this issue at all?</P><P>Barry Caudill: In Civilization 4, the AI will have to respect your borders or declare war but you will be able to negotiate Open Borders to allow travel.</P><P>IGNPC: The resources concept from Civilization 3 was also great addition to the series. Are you expanding this system at all? Are you using it in the same way?</P><P>Barry Caudill: The system has been greatly expanded with the addition of many more resources, all of which are tradable. Some of the new resources, like marble, help to increase wonder production, some are food resources (these help with the overall health of your cities), and some, such as iron or copper, allow you to build certain types of units.</P><P>IGNPC: I always seemed a bit miffed that you weren't able to trade food, even to your own cities. I mean it's not like the largest cities in the world are those that produce the most food, right? Are there considerations for trading and sharing food?</P><P>Barry Caudill: You will have the ability to trade food resources but these affect the overall health of your cities, not the growth potential.</P><P>IGNPC: While we're on the subject of the previous game, were there any features from the last game that you felt the need to scale down or eliminate altogether?</P><P>Barry Caudill: We no longer have static eras so it's more like versions of Civilization prior to Civilization 3 in that respect. We eliminated armies but created more customization and countering with the units. We also changed the way bombardment units work in the game so they are now like a hybrid of previous games. </P><P>IGNPC: How do governments work this time around?</P><P>Barry Caudill: There are no set governments anymore. In Civilization 4, you can choose from various civics and combine them to make the type of government you want. For example, you may have a Theocratic Police State that also has Universal Suffrage or you may have a Pacifist Slave State with Hereditary Rule. The Civics are divided into five major areas - Government, Legal, Labor, Economy, and Religion - and each of those has 5 possible choices depending on what you have researched. In addition, AI leaders will have certain favorite Civics and they may ask you to either switch to theirs or stop using the one that offends them.</P><P>IGNPC: What about the new religion system? That sounds really promising. How does it work in the game?</P><P>Barry Caudill: The first Civilization to discover a technology attached to the founding of a religion will establish a holy city for that religion and it will begin to spread, although slowly. To speed up the process, you can create missionaries and send them out to try to convert other cities. Also, just like the Civics, AI leaders may try to get you to convert to their religion.</P><P>IGNPC: With as much depth and accuracy as there is in the Civilization franchise, there are some other general historical themes -- things like slavery, civil wars, epidemics, ideological conflicts, etc. -- that either weren't present or were heavily abstracted. Naturally, you have to remain extremely sensitive on some of these issues but are you planning to incorporate mechanics to highlight previously neglected historical phenomena?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Well we aren't trying to alienate anyone out there but we are paying more attention to some of the more serious issues where it makes sense. As I mentioned, slavery is a Civics option but so is emancipation. Epidemics aren't directly modeled but the idea of tying a city's health to available food and resources helps to simulate this. Ideological conflicts are a definite possibility as a result of the AI leader personalities and their ties to certain religions or civics.</P><P>IGNPC: What can you tell us about great leaders?</P><P>Barry Caudill: We have expanded on this concept a great deal. Now, there are different types of great people like Great Prophets, Artists, and Scientists. When you get one, you will be able to use them for things like automatically researching a technology or helping to build a wonder.</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-19 14:54:29 | 显示全部楼层
<P>IGNPC: How does the overall combat system work? Will it still just be a one-on-one, winner take all affair? We hear that the individual units will have more specific uses. Can you explain?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Units will have strengths and weaknesses against other types of units. For instance, pikemen will have a decided advantage over mounted units and axemen will be especially good against melee units. We have also removed the idea of separate attack and defense values and replaced them with a single Power rating.</P><P>IGNPC: Are we going to see more units types this time around? What are some of the more notable additions?</P><P>Barry Caudill: During early prototyping, it was determined that more is not always better. In order to streamline the process as much as possible and to highlight the new promotion system, we decided to actually reduce the number of units some. Still, there are some units that haven't been part of previous versions like Grenadiers and Horse Archers and War Elephants that are not specific to only one Civ.</P><P>IGNPC: Players of Alpha Centauri enjoyed the ability to tailor units for specific tasks. Are the units in Civilization 4 going to be adjustable in any way?</P><P>Barry Caudill: I think the promotions will add this type of customization in a much more fluid manner since the units are upgraded "on the fly" (i.e. with each new promotion) and you don't have to have researched a certain tech to gain access to them all. Some of the promotions include: jungle or forest bonuses, city defense, city raider, flanking, or just simple power bonuses. You will be able to make units that are specialized without changing all of a certain type and you can change "paths" as your situation dictates.</P><P>IGNPC: How does the tech tree of the new game compare to that in previous versions? Are you sticking with specific trees for distinct eras? What are some of the new technologies or new technological considerations available?</P><P>Barry Caudill: There are two major changes from Civilization 3. First, there are no longer set eras and the player is free to choose any path whether it be all-military, all-science, balanced, etc. Second, you don't need all of the techs that lead to the one you want, you only need to connect to it. In previous versions you may have had to research two or three things to get access to the one they connect to.</P><P>IGNPC: Tell us a little about the trade and economy systems? Any surprises there?</P><P>Barry Caudill: In Civilization 4, you get automatic trade routes after you establish a trade agreement with a particular leader. Also, rivers work like roads so two cities on the same river are connected even if no roads have been built.</P><P>IGNPC: Maybe I'm sick but I really miss being able to poison a rival city's water supply. Are you going to be including new options for espionage and its more "honorable" cousin diplomacy?</P><P>Barry Caudill: We will not be including any espionage options that are terrorism related. You will, however, create spy units and move them around as you did in previous versions of Civilization. In diplomacy, you will be able to broker peace between two warring Civs or ask a Civ to go to war with another even if you are not currently at war with that Civ. </P><P>IGNPC: Let's talk about the endgame. Are the victory conditions pretty much the same or have you created new goals for the players?</P><P>Barry Caudill: They are very similar to what you might expect. Of course, we have the usual Domination, Conquest, Diplomatic, and Space Race victories. We have also tweaked the Cultural victory to make it more exciting and interesting. Finally, we have added a new one: Alliance victory in which you can share the win with a partner.</P><P>IGNPC: There's no denying that the pace of Civilization slows down once you start to hit century or so, yet the early ancient age just seems to fly by. Are you doing anything to smooth out the overall pace of the game or give players the chance to chew off a more manageable bite?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Balancing is always high on our priority list and we are definitely working to even out the pace of the game. One new thing is that you can choose different game speeds depending on your preference and available time. You can choose Quick, Normal, or Epic. Normal would be like a standard game of Civilization in previous versions. Quick and Epic are scaled in every aspect to provide the full experience of Civilization in either a quicker or much longer format.</P><P>IGNPC: Though Civilization 3 was great, it lost some of the presentation that we loved in Civilization 2. While it might be naive to ask for a return to talking advisors and wonder videos, are you doing anything to add to the overall personality of the game?</P><P>Barry Caudill: We have definitely ramped up the production values in this version. The new 3D world and all that it brings will certainly up the ante over any previous version of the game, we're hiring voice talent for various parts, and I am happy to announce the return of wonder movies...we'll have over 45 spectacular movies in the game.</P><P>IGNPC: Are you planning to include multiplayer options out of the box? What types of things can we expect from the multiplayer game? We hear there's a cooperative mode? How does that work?</P><P>Barry Caudill: You bet! This game was designed to be multiplayer from the ground up and we have been playing MP games for a year and a half already. Players will be able to compete in traditional turn-based or simultaneous move games either on a network or via the Internet. We will be using Gamespy for Internet matchmaking. Other options include Hot Seat, Play by Email, and a persistent turn server we call Pitboss.</P><P>Coop will work in a similar fashion to what you would expect from an RTS like Age of Kings or Warcraft 3. Players on the same team will share line of site, the benefits of wonders, research (they can even research the same thing to try to get it faster), unit trading, and share territory. All of these additions deliver a plethora of new strategic and tactical options to the players.</P><P>IGNPC: The core game's great but Civilization's also done well thanks to massive community support. What types of tools and editors can players expect out of the box?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Civilization 4 will be the most moddable version of Civilization ever. Players can edit basic stats and attributes in XML files. On a higher level, much of the game will be exposed to Python so modders will be able to edit events and have more control over how the game works. On an even higher level, we are planning to provide an AI SDK to allow experienced programmers to dig very deep into customization.</P><P>IGNPC: How many people are working on this project? When did you start working and what stage is the game at now?</P><P>Barry Caudill: Internally, we have 38 on the team working directly on various aspects but we also have some work contracted out and several interns coming on board for the summer. We started working on the game about 2 years ago and expect to have it in stores for the holidays.</P><P>IGNPC: So what's left to be done at this point? Don't you think you'd be able to get the job done more quickly if you weren't busy answering my endless questions?</P><P>Barry Caudill: From a design standpoint, all major systems are in and Soren Johnson (our lead designer/programmer) is spending the majority of his time working on the AI. We have a lot that's looking great already but we still have some art and programming to go before we will be ready for full test this summer. Anything could be considered a distraction at this stage of the game, but we like you so there's no problem there.</P><P>IGNPC: Finally, where's my Colonization 2? I mean, what have you guys been doing for the last ten years?</P><P>Barry Caudill: You're right, we have been slacking off. I mean, Firaxis has only shipped 10 titles in the last 9 years. Actually, we get lots of requests to make another Colonization. We don't have any plans to do it right now, but it's certainly something to consider for the future. Stay tuned...</P>
 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-19 14:56:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-5-19 17:14:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-5-20 16:46:04 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-5-20 19:58:44 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-5-27 16:45:35 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-6-1 16:28:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-6-2 12:19:10 | 显示全部楼层
<B>以下是引用<I>lighting</I>在2005-5-27 16:45:35的发言:</B>


发表于 2005-6-2 23:23:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-6-3 20:58:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-6-3 21:06:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-6-16 21:30:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-6-21 16:51:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-2 11:47:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-9 08:52:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2005-7-14 12:23:52 | 显示全部楼层
[B]以下是引用[I]alienworld[/I]在2005-6-16 21:30:49的发言:[/B][BR]>

发表于 2005-7-20 19:51:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2005-8-10 00:46:31 | 显示全部楼层
Barry Caudill:在《文明4》中,AI将会很尊重玩家的边界,否则就会向你开战,但是你也可以通过谈判来开放边境允许他们通过。
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