

楼主: lonelymoon

[讯息] 文明星际 CivBE 图片资料收集 8月13日已更新

 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-30 17:49:11 | 显示全部楼层
波利尼西亚-澳大利亚 Polystralia
赫德马 Hutama

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-9-13 13:28 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-30 17:57:45 | 显示全部楼层
巴西利亚 Brasilia
莱昂纳多 雷吉纳尔多 佩德罗 玻利瓦尔 达 阿伦卡尔-阿拉里皮
Reginaldo Leonardo Pedro Bolívar de Alencar-Araripe


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-13 18:04 编辑 ]
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发表于 2014-7-31 19:18:39 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2014-7-31 22:09:07 | 显示全部楼层

回复 17# 的帖子

Kavithan Protectorate 和 Kavitha Thakur 要看是哪一门语言的转写了。

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-1 07:39 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 12:21:11 | 显示全部楼层
1.以下的帖子引用了Civilization V Analyst: Beyond Earth Overview的英语原文,有些内容在此处仅作大致翻译
详细的中文信息信息可参考:文明星际(CivBE)前瞻信息汇总 等帖子

2.下文游戏中的 专有名词及其翻译 会用 粗体 进行标注,已标注过的词汇可能不会再次标注。

The Planet
Players found cities and build empires in a similar manner to Civilization V, but in Beyond Earth, the alien environment is as much of an opponent as the other human factions, and the first competing human factions won't even arrive until later in the game. In addition to facing rampaging alien units similar to Civilization's barbarians, the player will be given missions to accomplish.

The planet that you land on has a variety of possible biomes. Although the set of alien units is fixed, the geology of the planet may vary widely from one play-through to the next, and the aliens' AI will adapt to their setting; a volcanic world may have more worm activity, while an aquatic world will have more marine life. Biome options mentioned in the interviews include desert worlds and blue fungal jungles.

David McDonough: "There are two ways we differentiate the planets. The first way is with biomes. The game ships with three very distinctive biomes. There’s a lush biome — very green, lots of jungle, and all of that. There’s a fungal biome, which is very strange — fungus and lichen all over the place, a very cool color temperature. Then there’s an arid biome … very little water, sand everywhere. Each of these is additionally augmented by our map scripts. We have a lot of map scripts that tell the game how to generate the environments — what the distributions of resources are, what the land masses look like, things like that. Those have been rewritten to take advantage of our new resource types and new terrain features. Within those three biomes, you have a lot of variation in terms of the kind of map you’ll be playing on."

The Steam achievements list four map types: Terran, Vulcan, Protean, and Atlantean. These most likely refer to map scripts rather than the Lush, Fungal, and Arid biomes mentioned above.


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-12 22:36 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 12:23:58 | 显示全部楼层
Research uses a "web" rather than a linear tree, meaning that you can go in any direction, and there are multiple paths to reach any given technology. It will not be practical (or perhaps even possible) to research every technology in a single play-through. Your research choices will be an important part of what defines the "Affinity" of your faction (see below).

The web is only four tiers deep, but each node of the web has from one to three additional technologies that can be researched. It is these "leaf" technologies that give Affinity points.

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:08 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 12:28:16 | 显示全部楼层
Beyond Earth has three different "Affinities" which, similar to Civ V's Ideologies, will differentiate civilizations, create tensions or friendships between them, and partially determine victory conditions. Affinity choice will also affect your leader, cities and units visually. Your Affinity is determined mainly by which technologies you choose to research, but also by the quest choices that you make. As you accumulate points in your dominant Affinity, you eventually earn Affinity "levels" which unlock upgrades for your units, and presumably other bonuses as well.

Purity: you uphold traditional human values, and strive to remake the new world in Earth's image, concentrating on terraforming and military force to pacify the hostile environment.
Harmony: you seek to adapt to new world and its alien ecosystem, to the extent of genetically altering your people. You will eventually be able to use alien units in your armies or even design new alien organisms.
Supremacy: you seek to use machines and cyborg interfaces to dominate the new world (and the old one), developing virtual consciousness and employing robot troops.

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:07 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 12:35:32 | 显示全部楼层
Prior to launch, the player selects from among multiple choices of cargo and passengers that will determine early bonuses upon landfall. Colonist choices include intellectuals for research bonuses, mercenaries for superior military, aristocrats for commerce bonuses, engineers for production bonuses, or pilgrims for "stronger faith." Cargo choices include survey gear to learn the outline of the planet's continents, sensors to detect nearby lifeforms, or guns for an early military unit.

Anton Strenger: "In addition to picking the nation that sponsors your expedition, you’re picking the type of spacecraft and the type of cargo it’s carrying. So you could bring extra weapons to get off to an early military start, or you could bring extra construction equipment to help buff up your city with an extra building. You’re also deciding what types of colonists you want to bring with to form your first colony. They might be more intellectual, and you’d have scientific bonuses starting on turn one. Or they might be more cultural, focused on culture and refinement and development, in which case you’d be focusing on the culture part of the game out of the gate."


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:07 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 13:00:14 | 显示全部楼层
Move: 2; Cost: 186 production
Technology: Pioneering
"Civilian Unit. Can establish an Outpost, which transforms into a full City once time passes and it acquires all territory adjacent to it. While producing this Unit, a City's Growth temporarily stops. Colonists may only be built in Cities with at least 2 Citizens."


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:34 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 13:04:24 | 显示全部楼层
City-States are replaced by Stations, which are single-tile independent businesses that establish themselves throughout the map over the early stages of the game. You can trade with them via Supply/Trade Routes, but they can only trade with a single faction at a time. Some Stations that settle near your territory will even offer you a choice of what kind of business they are doing. Influence with a Station will improve if you have an active trade link with it, but will decline if another faction takes your place.

Fort Miller, a Military Station, provides siege units to trade partners.

类似Civ5的城邦 玩家可以与其贸易

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:12 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-3 13:04:55 | 显示全部楼层

There has been no mention of Happiness, and Dennis Shirk said that Luxury Resources are not in the game. Meanwhile, the information on faction advantages and disadvantages lists Health as a factor, and we can see from the early UI that Health is now a global (but not local) resource. This implies that Health has replaced Happiness as a limiting factor on the number of cities.


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:12 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-4 16:49:11 | 显示全部楼层
Move: 2; Strength: 3; Cost to Purchase: 200 energy
Technology: Habitation
Notes: An exploration unit that can construct Expeditions to investigate alien ruins, bones, or other features. An Expedition takes 5 turns to construct, and it appears to consume the Explorer.

移动力:2;强度:3;购买成本:200能量 <-- 这是什么东西?探索队不可建造吗?

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-13 18:05 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-4 17:15:35 | 显示全部楼层
Move: 2; Cost: 60 production; Costs 200 energy to purchase
Technology: Habitation
"Civilian Unit. Constructs improvements on the land, increasing the effectiveness of tiles when worked by a City's population.


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:36 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-4 17:29:16 | 显示全部楼层
Trade Convoy
Moves: 2; Cost: 60 production
Technology: Pioneering
"Trade Unit. Used to establish Trade Routes by land between your cities and other cities, outposts, or stations. Trade Routes generate yields or increase growth rate for the trading partners, but trade units are vulnerable to attack and their routes must be protected by military units."
Notes: The first image at below left is from an early screenshot, and was almost certainly a placeholder graphic (it's the modern Caravan from Civ V). The second image is more recent and is not verified to be a Convoy, but that's my guess.  The last two images are definitely trade units.


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-4 17:39 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-4 17:42:52 | 显示全部楼层
初始的两款飞行器(左为Level 1,右为Level 2)


[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-13 18:00 编辑 ]
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发表于 2014-8-5 10:45:53 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-8-5 20:30:23 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-8 10:29:48 | 显示全部楼层

Virtues are the new versions of Social Policies, which are unlocked with Culture.
In addition to the bonuses provided by the Virtues themselves, the player also earns additional "kicker" bonuses either for going deep in a single tree, or by buying Virtues across all the trees.
除了德性本身会提供收益,玩家也可以通过往单一 一棵德性树发展地更深,或者通过跨越不同的德性树购买德性获得附属的“Kicker”(政策树中的小格子?)收益。
There are four trees: Might, Knowledge, Prosperity, and Industry. The trees are fewer but deeper than those of Civ V.
德性树(政策树)比 Civ5 更少且更深。

David McDonough: "There’s a system called virtues, which is an expression of what your civilization cares about, so who they grow up to be, what their priorities are and so forth. It’s been totally redesigned for this game, meaning it’s different from any previous Civilization. Culture drives the acquisition of items within a virtue table, and those items have a lot of cross-linking benefits in and out of other systems in the game — everything from city progression to tile improvement to military strategies to territorial acquisition and diplomacy and so on."

Lena Brenk: "The way Anton designed it, the trees are a lot deeper, so you have a tree that you can follow down, the whole column through, and the more points you spend in one tree, you get kickers — additional bonuses that you rack up. If you go very wide and select virtues from different branches of different trees, you get kickers as well, but they’re different in that they give you bonuses for going in very different directions and not focusing on one tree."

There is a synergy bonus for purchasing all virtues within a particular tree's tier, or for purchasing a certain number of virtues from any tree in the same tier.

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-11 22:18 编辑 ]
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发表于 2014-8-8 12:00:44 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-8-11 21:50:19 | 显示全部楼层

Might 强权威能

Tier I (Synergy bonus: +5% combat strength and +5% ranged strength for all units)
第一层综合效益:所有单位+5% 战斗力,+5%远程攻击力 ) P.S. 肉搏单位的攻击防御能力取决于其“ 战斗力”;远程单位攻击力取决于“ 远程攻击力”,防御力取决于“ 战斗力”

Survivalism: +25% Strength and Ranged Strength against alien life forms.
求生技能 对外星单位+25% 战斗力和 远程攻击力

Scavenging: Earn 100% of alien lifeform’s strength as science after killing it. Earn 35 science from destroying alien nests.
赶尽杀绝 消灭外星单位后获得其战斗力数值的科研,占领其巢穴可获得35 科研

Adaptive Tactics: +50% XP from combat.
自适应战术 战斗可获得额外50%经验值

Liberation Army: after conquering an enemy outpost, automatically found an outpost of your own in its place.
解放军 攻占敌方前哨站(指城市)后,自动在原地建立一座属于玩家的城市

Military-Industrial Complex: +15% production of military units
军工一体 生产军事单位时+15% 生产力

Tier II

Public Security: +0.25 health for each unit under your command.
公共安全 每个玩家所掌控的单位+0.25健康

[ 本帖最后由 lonelymoon 于 2014-8-12 21:55 编辑 ]
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