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Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice介绍如约出现!(翻译完成)

发表于 2007-6-16 12:18:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
IGN果然于当地时间晚上公布了Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice的详细介绍, 并且配上了大量新图!

先说明一下, Fall from Heaven在BTS中被更名为Fall from Heaven: Age of Ice, 我的那篇速报的帖子里已经说过了

老规矩: 原文链接:

本来想翻译一下, 但仔细一看, 改动是在太多了, 规模实在太庞大了(比如,现在一队兵的数量是由你来决定的, 放的越多威力越强)。。。所以。。。我很懒。。。。。。。

不过,现在决定, 等我吃完午饭以后送上简单翻译


IGNPC: What is Fall from Heaven?
Derek Paxton: Fall from Heaven is a dark fantasy game world created specifically for Civilization 4. It has a full history and mythology, which allows us to have a consistent setting in which we can place the wars and legends of the numerous Fall from Heaven mods. There are currently 14 team members working on Fall from Heaven, including artists, writers and designers that work on creating and detailing the Fall from Heaven world. For Beyond the Sword, we created the Age of Ice scenario, which chronicles the events of the Third Age of the land of Erebus - the age's long winter, the source of the endless cold and how it finally came to an end. We previously created a public mod that is hosted on www.Civfanatics.com that covers the Fourth Age of the world, the period after Age of Ice where winter ends and the various tribes of men are able to resettle and rebuild.
问:什么是Fall from Heaven?
DP:Fall from Heaven是一个为文明4建立的黑暗奇幻世界。它有自己的历史和神话, 这使得我们可以有无限的MOD空间去加入战争与传奇。现在有14个人做Fall from Heaven,包括美工,文字作者和设计者在制作和完善Fall from Heaven世界。
      对于BTS, 我们设计了Age of Ice剧情,它记述了Erebus大陆的第三纪元——一个很长的冬天,无限的寒冷和它如何走到尽头, 我们之前制作了一个公共MOD(就是我们以前说的那个MOD), 见于 www.Civfanatics.com ,那个MOD覆盖的是这个世界的第四纪元——长冬过后各种部落开始复兴。

IGNPC: What's the basic story in the mod? What is the overall conflict that players will face?
Derek Paxton: The scenario begins 350 years into the Age of Ice. Mulcarn, the God of Winter, reigns and the world is little more than a frozen wasteland ravaged by blizzards. Mankind has lost the knowledge gained during the previous age and has broken into small tribes fighting for survival. The player controls Kylorin, an ageless hero, as he tries to gather several tribes into a force capable of standing against Mulcarn. To do that the pieces of a legendary sword, the Godslayer, have to be found and numerous threats have to be overcome. These threats could be creatures that roam the wilderness, enemy civilizations or the power of Mulcarn himself. If the player reforges the Godslayer and takes it into battle against Mulcarn he can win the scenario and end the Age of Ice.

      玩家控制的是 Kylorin,一个不会老的英雄, 他试图集合数个部落以使得他们能够对抗冬之神Mulcarn,为了做到这一点, 他需要客服重重困难,集齐一把上古传奇之剑- Godslayer-的碎片。地图上有游荡的野生物种,和Mulcarn统治下的敌对文明。加入玩家能够集齐碎片,重铸Godslayer,那么将可以击败Mulcarn,并且结束冰河世纪。

IGNPC: How does Age of Ice differ from the basic Civ experience? What does it add to the game? Derek Paxton: The focus of the game is more on individual units than in Civilization IV. Units gain more experience from combat, and the promotions they gain are more powerful. Unique hero units cannot be rebuilt if they die, making it dire when they are lost or rewarding to defeat the heroes of your enemies. It is a brutal world and large portions of the map can't be settled by any civilization, leading to large wild lands and limiting city sprawl. Players cannot afford to build huge stacks of units and must rely on smaller, more powerful groups to explore the wilderness and attack other civilizations. As to what it adds, the scenario has several new features. One of my favorites is the active climate. Blizzards roll across the map from the west, damaging units, destroying improvements and changing the terrain. Tiles are affected by the blizzards and will begin to change from plains to tundra to snow based on how much snowfall they receive. Trees become covered in snow; lakes freeze over. And it's more than just an art change. All but the heaviest units can travel over frozen lakes, so if blizzards do freeze a body of water, it may open up new areas to explore or new ways for the enemy to get to you. Players also have the ability to affect the climate through their actions and events. Mountains block the blizzards, creating small habitable regions on their east side that become hotly contested city locations for all civilizations.
DP:这个剧情更重视单个单位。单位从作战中获得经验,并且单位的升级更加强力。特殊的英雄单位死后不能重建,使得英雄的死成为一种灾难, 而当你干掉敌人的英雄的时候获得奖赏。
      这个剧情有不少新特性。我最喜欢的是动态的气候系统。 暴风雪从地图的西面而来,损害单位,摧毁地面设施,改变地形。土地会从平原降成苔原,森林覆盖上雪,湖水结冰;并且这不仅仅是画面上的变化,非重型单位都是可以通过结冰的湖面的,所以,暴风雪过后,可能会有新的道路出现

IGNPC: Tell us about some of the cool civilizations and units that players will be able to use. Derek Paxton: The player plays as the Amurites. They begin as scattered tribes of men barely surviving in a frozen world until they are united by Kylorin. The player is the only one in the world able to use magic, either through his heroes or units that have access to various spells. You can select one of three heroes to start with. That hero and some human ingenuity are all you have to build an army to take on the Illians, a civilization that worships Mulcarn and the Doviello, fierce beastmen that roam the tundra. As I mentioned above, Age of Ice focuses more on units than a typical game of Civ, and those units have more abilities. Archers can barrage enemy units in surrounding tiles. Players can choose dynamically how many pikeman they want to group together in a unit, making them stronger as they add more, or splitting them into separate units for more mobility.
      正像我在前面说的那样,Age of Ice更关注单个单位的实力,所以这些单位有了更多的能力。弓箭兵可以群伤敌人,玩家可以动态的选择将多少个长枪兵放入一支部队中:是加入更多让他们更强,还是分散他们使得他们更灵活。

IGNPC: How does magic work in the mod? Does it make use of the concepts of unit promotion or technology research?
Derek Paxton: There are no great artists or sages in the Age of Ice. Instead occasionally someone will be born with some magical aptitude, the ability to cast one or more spells. These great people, called the Children of Kylorin, can be upgraded to any unit type the player can build. The player decides if he wants to upgrade a Child that can cast haste into a horseman to take advantage of the additional movement or a Child that can summon skeletons into a hunter so he can have some help in the wilderness. While technology research doesn't apply directly to magic, each of the player's three heroes have advanced forms which make them more powerful and give them access to new abilities. If, for example, you research "Knowledge of the Ether" you can then upgrade Epona into a Sorceress, which gives her the ability to cast Fireball.
DP: 在Age of Ice中没有大艺术家或者是圣人。相应的是某些魔法天才,可以释放一个或多个魔法的能力。这些伟人, 叫做 Children of Kylorin,可以被升级为任何一种玩家目前能造的兵种。玩家可以让这些 Child给骑兵释放加速魔法使他们能够更快的移动,或者是召唤骷髅兵,帮助他对抗野蛮人。


[ 本帖最后由 孟仲玄 于 2007-6-16 14:49 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-16 12:22:30 | 显示全部楼层

IGNPC: What are the strategies and goals in the mod? Do they differ much from those in the unmodified Civ? Derek Paxton: We used the quest system in BtS to introduce a new victory condition. The only way to win the scenario is to reforge the Godslayer and carry it into battle against Mulcarn. But there are numerous ways to achieve that goal. If the player does enough damage to the Doviello they will offer to give the player the piece of the Godslayer they hold and join the player in their war against Mulcarn. The player can accept the deal and earn an ally or crush the Doviello and take the Godslayer piece through force. There are multiple strategies to win the scenario. The player's first choice of which hero he wants to use has the biggest impact. One hero is better at combat; another boosts the player's research rate and great person growth. The third is best for exploration, good for finding the monster lairs in the world and destroying them before they have the chance to create many enemies.
DP:我们使用了要求系统去(应该是随机事件中的)制作了一个新的胜利方式。唯一的胜利方式来自于重铸Godslayer并将它带到对抗Mulcarn的战场上。但胜利的方法有很多种,例如你可以攻击Doviello文明,使得他们交出Godslayer的碎片并且加入我方。玩家第一次进行的选择是十分重要的。一个英雄战斗更强,一个可以增加你的科研能力和伟人点数;还有一个擅长探险, 在寻找野兽洞穴的时候结果更好,并且可以在它们产生敌人之前摧毁它们。

IGNPC: Are there any changes to the current Civ 4 version of the mod? Have you adapted or incorporated any of the expansion's new features?
Derek Paxton: Players familiar with the public Fall from Heaven mod will recognize some of the events and characters in Age of Ice. We also have some mechanics that a game just wouldn't be Fall from Heaven without. You can still capture animals, summon creatures and throw fireballs at your enemies. But Age of Ice was written from the ground up as a Beyond the Sword mod, and even those familiar with Fall from Heaven are going to find a lot of new features in Age of Ice. Most notably we (the Fall from Heaven team) have never done a fixed map scenario before. Having a set map instead of a randomly created one really allowed us to detail the regions you explore. There are valleys where you will find the decaying bones of ancient creatures, ruins of destroyed civilizations and unique features like the huge castle of the frost giants. We have been working with random maps for a long time and we really enjoyed being able to create a fixed environment to play in. The AI in Beyond the Sword is so much better that I had to drop the difficulty level I play at. It was embarrassing to get routinely beaten at my own scenario. Blake, one of the community members, has been working with Firaxis on the AI since just after Warlords was released and it has made a huge difference. We also took advantage of the events system. In Age of Ice all the events are unique and rare, so you may get 3-5 different events in a single game. They could be anything from having a seer offering to read your fortune to the news that your scouts have captured a wounded ogre in the wilderness to an argument among your people that you may need to step in and settle.
这段都是废话,讲的是BTS的新内容是如何引用进这个MOD的, 主要是称赞了AI的变化。唯一有价值的信息是地图是固定地图,而不是随机生成的

IGNPC: What help did you get from Firaxis? Did they offer any assistance in terms of the mod's overall design or presentation? Derek Paxton: Working with Firaxis was like going to game designer college - it was an amazing experience. Firaxis' artists made the main menu and provided the scenario's music. They also added mod features to the main game so that we could do things in Age of Ice that weren't possible with previous versions of Civ4. But their most significant contribution isn't as easy to highlight. They played and replayed the scenario. Jon Shafer, the designer of the Final Frontier scenario for BtS, played through Age of Ice a few times and gave very insightful feedback on how to make it easier to understand, smooth out any balance issues and get the player right into the action. That, and being able to follow and contribute to the various design discussions about Age of Ice and BtS as a whole was the best part of being able to be a part of the expansion.
又是废话,主要是关于 Firaxis 公司是如何给于MOD制作小组帮助的

[ 本帖最后由 孟仲玄 于 2007-6-16 14:48 编辑 ]
发表于 2007-6-16 12:24:36 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-16 12:24:57 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-16 12:27:32 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-16 12:30:08 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-16 14:51:26 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-16 22:16:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-17 15:19:03 | 显示全部楼层

当然,目前我们只能根据现有FFH MOD进行讨论。
发表于 2007-6-17 15:21:53 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-17 15:35:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-6-17 16:09:16 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-17 23:04:19 | 显示全部楼层
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