

楼主: freesand

[讯息] 新补丁修正列表v1.0.1.275(20110428发布)

发表于 2011-4-14 23:51:38 | 显示全部楼层
Fixed an issue that was not allowing the Americas building set to display properly.
If a 3D leaderhead scene cannot be created, fallback to 2D.

Units: Stealth Bombers can now get promotions.
Units: Add “Fortify until Healed” option for aircraft. Before, they only healed when inactive, which could cause confusion for the player.
Units: Prevent units with the "No Melee" promotion from capturing cities (archers, catapults, etc.).
Units: Air units must be in a city to upgrade, and no sneaky "I'm on a carrier in the city" either.
Units: Fixed a problem that was allowing units to upgrade in territories that were not their own.
Terrain Improvements: Allow Moai to be built over top of resources.
Terrain Improvements: Correct an issue that resulted in double resources if you founded a city on top of an improved resource plot.
Yields: Fix a load order problem where the lake bonus is not applied to a farm after loading an existing save.
City Management: When selling a building, ensure that all citizens are properly removed.
City Management: When assigning a specialist to a building, make sure we don't accidentally assign more citizens than we have available.
City Management: Fix for an issue that was causing workers to go missing when population went down.
City Management: After the citizen is removed from working, adjust the unassigned worker count before subtracting from the total population. There were rare situations that could cause the worker to disappear.
Culture: Keep the current culture level of the city after it is captured. The culture production will go to 0, but the culture level must remain the same or else a large city will be able to acquire tiles at the same rate as a smaller city.


单位: 隐形轰炸机现在可以升级了
单位: 空军增加了“防御到生命恢复”的选择。之前只会在无任务时回血,导致一些玩家无法理解
单位: “无肉搏”单位无法占领城市(弓箭手、投石车,等等)
单位: 空军必须在城市中才能升级,在停在城市中的航母上无法升级
单位: 修正了一个能让单位在非本方领土上升级的问题
设施: 现在摩艾石像群可以在资源上建造
设施: 修正了在有设施的资源上建城导致双倍资源的问题
产出: 修正了读取存档时湖泊奖励无法传给农场的问题
城市管理: 卖建筑时里面的市民将会正确地被移除
城市管理: 向建筑内放专家时,保证不会放入超过人口数的市民
城市管理: 修正一个在人口减少时导致工人消失的问题
城市管理: 【貌似是解释上一条的,不是很理解到底worker这里是工人还是市民】
文化: 占领城市后保持当前的文化等级。文化量会归零,不过文化等级必须保持原来的等级,否则大城市会以小城市的扩张速度吞并周围格子

[ 本帖最后由 神户小鸟 于 2011-4-15 00:01 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-15 00:36:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 thwsl 于 2011-4-14 17:47 发表
Units: Fixed a problem that was allowing units to upgrade in territories that were not their own.

這樣一來規畫路線變得很重要, 算在每次升級的時候要剛好走回家.
標速標圖下一趟就是十幾回合, 差別很大.

個人覺得在友好城邦境內升級合理 (錢還是照付), 買開邊就能升級牽強.
應該要關係是友好才能升. 但說是 "problem" 也太嚴重了.

[ 本帖最后由 maltz 于 2011-4-15 00:42 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-15 00:49:08 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #22 maltz 的帖子

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 11:28:22 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 xduke 于 2011-4-14 20:32 发表



但是这些技术依然包括很多极端机密。所以维护设施不能部署在美国以外的地区。所以 B2也只能在美国本土起降。


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 12:24:18 | 显示全部楼层
城市战略AI: Fix flavor broadcast to cities just after they are founded. Player level adjustments since start of game weren't being copied over to the new city.

战术AI: Citadels now project danger.

[ 本帖最后由 lzeaf 于 2011-4-16 16:24 编辑 ]
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 12:30:47 | 显示全部楼层
设施: 现在摩艾石像群可以在资源上建造
设施: 修正了在有设施的资源上建城导致双倍资源的问题。

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 15:41:19 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 16:31:40 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #27 liumailong 的帖子

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 17:55:21 | 显示全部楼层
Pre-Game: The tooltips for unique items in the Loading screen no longer show up until AFTER loading has finished, preventing potential “stuck” UI.
Pre-Game: Prevented escape key from being used to corrupt starting parameters while starting a tutorial game.
Pre-Game: Multi-player maps added to Single-player as well.
Pre-Game: Fixed a rounding issue in the options menu so that values are always integer based for the tooltip delay.
Pre-Game: Using ":" in a save filename is no longer considered valid since Windows does not allow this. Players could potentially use this character in a save name without knowing that the file was not created when they exited the dialog.
Notifications: Fix notifications that arise after a city is liberated so they show the name properly.
Notifications: Extra DOF expiration notifications removed.
Notifications: Notifications for denouncement or friendship are only displayed if the active player has met one of the teams.
Tool-tips: Tooltips for worker/workboat build recommendations now build dynamically by looking at tile yields for these improvements: camp, pasture, farm, mine, trading post, fishing boats, custom house and manufactory.
Tool-tip: Plot Mouse Over text for Natural Wonders will now display the culture yield as if it was in your borders and being worked, similar to how other yields are displayed.
Mod Browser: Mod Browser panels now reset their scroll value when a new mod is selected.
New Addition: Resource Panel integrated into upper-left Info Panel UI.
New Addition: Specialist slots in buildings are now shown in the info tooltip for both the tech tree, production popup, and Civilopedia.
Combat Preview: "Bonus VS Cities" is now renamed to "Penalty VS Cities" when it's < 0.
Combat Preview: Fix bonus display issue when bombarding an enemy unit (if enemy had bonuses that required “friendly” territory, it would show up in the preview even though they were obviously in enemy territory).
Combat Preview: Show Oligarchy Garrisoned Unit bonus for city ranged attacks.
City Screen: City Growth meter within the City screen now displays the correct amount.
City Screen: Fix the display of the current research progress UI, which made research estimates appear to be incorrect.
In-Game: Fix the display of the movement cost for units that can embark.
In-Game: Fixed a rounding issue in the military overview (actually, a lack of rounding issue).
In-Game: Properly hide the Aircraft selection UI if hidden from view (fog of war, etc.).
In-Game: City State's "Quest" icon is now hidden if that City State is at war with your team.
In Game: City banner now displays different tooltip for puppet cities that are not owned by the player.
In Game: Top Panel now differentiates between unhappiness from regular population and unhappiness from specialists.
In-Game: Selecting a unit in the military overview will now select that unit, selecting it twice will now move the camera to it.
Victory: Fix UI display of Diplomatic Victory votes (it was displaying votes from dead Civs/City States).
Victory: UN Voting and Results screens now have better support for team games.
Multiplayer: Human players no longer show an approachability type since that was meant for AI.
Multiplayer: Multiplayer diplomacy w/ teams no longer has overlapping text.
Diplomacy: There's now a confirmation dialog when you publicly denounce a civ.
Diplomacy: Player cannot publicly denounce a civ multiple times in the same turn.
Unit Panel: Fixed an erroneous display of a needed upgrade resource if the needed resource quantity was 0 and you are running a deficit on that resource (negative return value).
Production: In UI for national wonders that have a prereq building, don't list each individual city that needs the building if the prereq doesn't have to be in EVERY city in the empire. Instead just continue to show the count.
Production: City connected by railroad production bonus now correctly displays across all UI.

开始游戏前: 读取界面UP、UU、UB的帮助提示在读取完成前将不再显示,以防界面卡住
开始游戏前: 在启动教学游戏时禁止使用ESC,以防止参数错乱
开始游戏前: 多人游戏地图现在加到了单人游戏里
开始游戏前: 修改了一个四舍五入问题,现在选项中工具提示时间将总是整数
开始游戏前: 存档文件名不能包含分号":",因为Windows系统下这是非法文件名字符。之前版本不会提示错误,导致用户可以输入这个名字,但是离开存档页面的时候该文件不会被创建
提示: 修复了解放城市提示中名字不对的问题
提示: 多余的友好声明过期通知将会被移除
提示: 只要要与双方的其中一家见过面后,才能收到友好与谴责的提示
工具提示: 工人和工船的建造提示现在提示以下设施的产出:猎场、牧场、农场、矿井、贸易战、渔船、海关、制造中心
工具提示: 鼠标停在自然奇观格子上现在会显示文化产出
Mod浏览器: Mod浏览器在选中一个新MOD后会重置滚动条
新加入: 资源界面现在集成在左上放的信息界面中
新加入: 建筑专家槽现在会在科技树、生产弹出窗口、百科中显示
战斗预测: “攻城加成”如果小于0的话现在显示为“攻城惩罚”
战斗预测: 修正轰击单位的加成显示错误(如果敌放拥有与“友好”领土有关的加成,即使他们在敌对领土上改加成仍然会被显示)
战斗预测: 城市攻击现在显示寡头制驻守单位加成
城市界面: 城市人口增长条现在显示正确的数值
城市界面: 修正现在研发中的科技的进度界面,之前有据算错误
游戏中: 修正了能海运的部队移动力的显示错误
游戏中: 修正了军事一览中的四舍五入错误(之前没有四舍五入)
游戏中: 如果看不到的话(比如因为战争迷雾),正确地隐藏空军选择界面
游戏中: 交战中的城邦的“任务”图标现在将隐藏
游戏中: 非玩家拥有的傀儡城市现在显示不同的城市图标
游戏中: 上方的显示条现在区别对待人口带来的不快乐与专家带来的不快乐
游戏中: 在军事一览中选中一个单位,现在将确实地选中改单位,双击的话会居中显示
胜利: 修复外交胜利投票显示(之前会显示已经被消灭的文明和城邦)
胜利: 联合国投票和结果显示界面现在更好地支持组队游戏
多人游戏: 人类玩家不再显示外交态度【approachability type不是很确信】(这个东西本来只是为AI准备的)
多人游戏: 多人游戏组队外交不在有重叠显示的文字
外交: 当你谴责文明时,现在会有一个确认对话框
外交: 玩家不能在同一回合中多次谴责相同的文明
单位界面: 修正了一个当单位升级需要资源为0,但你拥有的该资源为负数时的显示错误
生产: 如果国家奇观有前提建筑,但是该建筑不是每个城市都需要的话,界面中不再列出所有城市,而是只显示总数量
生产: 统一了城市铁路加成在所有界面中的显示方法C
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 18:13:24 | 显示全部楼层
Don't allow research agreements if one party has finished the tech tree.
Correct opinion code so we can get outcomes of friendly or allied.
Fix the AI's deal adjustment so that it doesn't accidentally treat your luxury items as strategic items. This essentially prevented the AI from ever countering the deal with a request for a strategic resource from the other player. It just re-submitted the counter offer, requesting more luxury items, which the player could not see. If accepted, the player would realize too late that all their luxury resources were gone.

Map Resize: Added controls for adding and removing rows of hexes from the top, build, left, or right of a map.
Added default “map size” drop-down so that players can set the default number of Civs that they want to play on a map.
Fix permanent war setting in the WB so that it reflects properly in the game.

Support for disabling the Happiness system.
Support for disabling the Science/Research system.
Support for disabling Social Policy acquisition.
Support for disabling the Tutorial system.
Properly initialize citizens and trade routes when loading for a scenario with a preexisting empire.
Correct a problem with the awarding of contacts with minor civs in games created from WB scenarios.
Add "CityCanConstruct" Lua hook.
Exposed LoadString to Lua scripts.


地图大小: 允许添加和删除最边上行或者列

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 18:37:42 | 显示全部楼层
Fixed issue for Lancer that was stopping the Model of a Modern Major-General achievement from firing.
Fixed issue with building type comparison that was keeping the Tomb Raider achievement from firing.
Fixed issue that was keeping the Barbary Coast achievement from firing.
Fixed issue with the Flying Fortress achievement that would cause it to fire when the action was performed by an AI player.
Fixed issue with the God is Great achievement that would cause it to fire when the action was performed by an AI player.

Mongol: Disable all victory conditions except domination.
Disable tutorial across all Scenarios.

Additional nil checking to prevent possible Lua crashes due to invalid data in the HoF database.
Tighten up decal culling to reduce the number of decals rendered per cell (Scroll crash).
Fix to "Moai on the edge of the map" crash.
Prevent CvDiplomacyAI::DoUpdateEstimateOtherPlayerMilitary Threats from doing a divide by 0 (caused by a city having more damage that hit points).
Added in additional protections against using invalid player IDs that were causing crashes in community provided saves.
Fix bad cast of PlayerType to TeamType (and resulting crash).
Fix random map selection in multiplayer, which could cause a crash.

修正因为枪骑兵导致现代少将勋章(Model of a Modern Major-General)成就无法完成
修正因为建筑类型对比错误导致古墓丽影(Tomb Raider)成就不停触发的问题
修正一个导致巴巴利海岸(Barbary Coast)成就不停触发的问题
修正因为成功条件被AI满足而获得空中堡垒(Flying Fortress)成就的问题
修正因为成功条件被AI满足而获得神很伟大(God is Great)成就的问题

蒙古: 取消了除支配外所有的胜利条件

增加更多对无效player ID的检查以防跳出
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 18:38:37 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 20:06:13 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tyle 于 2011-4-16 11:28 发表



但是这些技术 ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-16 21:43:51 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-17 08:06:27 | 显示全部楼层
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-17 17:35:47 | 显示全部楼层
等啊等啊等~~~ 已经好久不玩了,就等新的补丁了
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-17 18:06:21 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-17 21:49:44 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-18 08:55:02 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 freesand 于 2011-4-14 13:39 发表
http://forums.2kgames.com/showthread.php?106718-Upco ...

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-4-18 08:56:44 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

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