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[讯息] 文明星际(CivBE)前瞻信息汇总(泛亚区北京时间24日凌晨1点解锁)

发表于 2014-4-14 10:58:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* 发售信息

* 派系 Factions
- 共有八个派系,玩家可任选领袖所属派系
(美拓)美利坚拓殖公司 American Reclamation Corporation
领袖:苏珊娜·玛乔丽·菲尔丁 Suzanne Marjorie Fielding
(巴西)巴西利亚 Brazilia
领袖:雷吉纳尔多·莱昂纳多·佩德罗·玻利瓦尔·德·阿伦卡尔-阿拉里皮 Rejinaldo Leonardo Pedro Bolivar de Alencar-Araripe
(法伊)法兰西-伊比利亚 Franco-Iberia
领袖:伊洛蒂 Élodie
(卡维莎)卡维莎保护领 Kavithan Protectorate
领袖:卡维莎·塔库尔 Kavitha Thakur
(泛亚)泛亚细亚联合体 Panasian Cooperative
领袖:道明淑华 Daoming Sochua
(非盟)阿非利加人民联盟 People’s African Union
领袖:萨马塔·贾马·巴瑞 Samatar Jama Barre
(斯拉夫)斯拉夫联邦 Slavic Federation
领袖:瓦迪姆·柯兹洛夫 Vadim Kozlov
(波利)波利大利亚 Polystralia
领袖:赫德马 Hutama

* 开局可任选殖民者/飞船组件/货物
- 殖民者:
贵族 Aristocrats - 贸易奖励
学者 Intellectuals - 科研奖励
工程师 Engineers - 产能奖励
雇佣兵 Mercenaries - 军事奖励
朝圣者 Pilgrims - 信仰奖励
- 飞船组件:
陆地侦测器 Coninental Surveyor - 显示陆地轮廓
减速推进器 Retrograde Thruster - 扩大着陆范围
板块扫描器 Tectonic Scanner
聚变反应堆 Fusion Reactor
生命扫描器 Life form Scanner - 显示附近生命体
- 货物:
无土栽培设施 Hydroponics
实验设备 Laboratories
原材料 Raw Materials
武器弹药 Weapon Arsenal
机械装备 Machinery

* 思想倾向 Affinities

- 和谐向 Harmony

- 纯净向 Purity

- 主宰向 Supremacy

* 价值理念 Virtues
- 力量 Might
生存至上 Survivalism: 对外星生物+25%战斗力和远程战斗力
暴力掠夺 Scavenging: 消灭外星生物获得与其战斗力相同点数的科研,摧毁外星生物巢穴获得35科研
适应战术 Adaptive Tactics: 单位战斗时+50%经验
解放军 Liberation Army: 攻破敌方据点后自动在原地建立本方据点
军工体系 Military-Industrial Complex: 组建军事单位时+15%产能
公共安全 Public Security: 每个本方单位+0.25健康
- 财富 Prosperity
勤俭节约 Frugality: 城市人口成长后保留10%食物
互帮互助 Helping Hands: 区块设施+15%修建效率
道路探寻 Pathfinders: 探险队可额外建立3个考察站
- 知识 Knowledge
前景预测 Foresight: 健康状态下+10%科研
现场调研 Field Research: 完成考察后获得50科研
社会氛围 Social Mores: 每单位人口为城市+0.25文化
研究实习 Laboratory Apprenticeship: 每单位人口+0.25科研
创意阶层 Creative Class: 健康度达到50%以上可获得额外文化
应用美学 Applied Aesthetics: 获得相当于文化产出50%的能量
信息战 Information Warfare: 新招募一名特工
学术中心 Learning Centers: 科学院设施+5科研, science from Academy improvements, 制造厂设施+3文化
- 工业 Industry
中央计划 Central Planning: 首都+5能量
资产投资 Investment: 每回合能量储备增加1%,上限为100
利润最大化 Profiteering: 每个贸易单位+0.5健康

* 奇观 Wonders
基因仓库 The Gene Vault
全景监视站 The Panopticon - 超级谍报设施
普罗米修斯神迹 The Promethean Wonder
传送门 Warpgate

* 建筑 Buildings
合金铸造厂 Alloy Foundry
盖亚井 Gaian Well
诊所 Clinic
地球纪念堂 Old Earth Relic
贸易站 Trade Depot
超声波围栏 Ultrasonic Fence
天文台 Observatory
发射场 Launch Complex
生态园 Vivarium
修理厂 Repair Facility
钍反应堆 Thorium Reactor
谍报局 Spy Agency
信息网 Network

* 单位 Units

殖民队 Colonists - 建造定居点
探险队 Explorer
工作车 Worker - 改良地形
贸易车 Trade Convoy
贸易船 Trade Vessel
战斗机 Air Fighter
战士 Soldier - 步兵一级
陆战队 Marine - 步兵二级
“巡视者” Sentinel - 纯净向步兵三级
“百夫长” Centurion - 纯净向步兵四级
“怒吼者” Brawler - 和谐向步兵三级
“掠夺者” Marauder - 和谐向步兵四级
“信徒” Disciple - 主宰向步兵三级
“使徒” Apostle - 主宰向步兵四级
突击队 Ranger - 远程步兵一级
战车 Combat Rover - 战车一级
精锐战车 Veteran Rover - 战车二级
“枪骑兵” Lancer - 纯净向战车三级
“龙骑兵” Dragoon - 纯净向战车四级
“蝰蛇” Viper - 和谐向战车三级
“眼镜蛇” Cobra - 和谐向战车四级
“先知” Prophet - 主宰向战车三级
“救赎者” Redeemer - 主宰向战车四级
导弹车 Missile Rover - 远程战车一级
炮艇 Gunboat - 海军一级
战列舰 Battleship
“宙斯盾” Aegis - 纯净向专有
飞行堡垒 Flying Fortress - 纯净向专有
外星骑兵 Alien Calvary - 和谐向专有
异星泰坦 Xeno Titan - 和谐向专有

- 外星生物 Alien Lifeforms
蝎狮 Manticore - 尾部能喷射毒汁
捕食虫 Raptor Bug
围攻虫 Siege Worm
狼蜂 Wolf Beetles
海龙 Sea Dragon
海怪 Kraken

- 卫星 Satellites

* 科技 Technologies

定居 Habitation : 殖民先驱 Pioneering, 行星调查 Planetary Survey
生态学 Ecology : 星球物理学 Geophysics, 外星生物学 Alien Biology
遗传学 Genetics: 外星生命体 Alien Lifeforms, 基因图谱 Genetic Mapping
计算机科学 Computing: 自动化系统 Autonomous Systems, 模糊数学 Transcendental Math
工程学 Engineering: 电力系统 Power Systems, 防御网络 Defense Grid
物理学 Physics: 弹道学 Ballistics
化学 Chemistry: 生物化学 Biochemistry
认知学 Cognition: 协同思考 Collaborative Thought
基因设计 Genetic Design: 外星遗传学 Alien Genetics
外星科学 Alien Sciences: 外星适应 Alien Adaptation, 外星生态学 Alien Ecology
地质改造 Terraforming: 生物圈 Biospheres, 气候控制 Climate Control
通信 Communications: 轨道网络 Orbital Networks
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence: 合成思维 Synthetic Thought, 群体智能 Swarm Intelligence
合成物质 Fabrication: 民事支援 Civil Support
机电一体化 Mechatronics: 机动升级 Mobile Lev, 弹道升级 Ballistic Lev
机器人 Robotics: 战术机器人 Tactical Robotics, 集群机器人 Swarm Robotics
仿生学 Bionics: 伺服机械 Servomachinery, 组织工程学 Tissue Engineering
生物学 Biology:
垂直农业 Vertical Farming:
?: 光合系统 Photosystems
?: 环境优生学 Euthenics
?: 代孕 Surrogacy
航天动力学 Astrodynamics: 轨道自动化 Orbital Automation, 暗网络 Dark Networks
场理论 Field Theory:
控制论 Cybernetics:

* 行星 Planets
汪洋 Auqa
繁盛 Lush
贫瘠 Arid
菌落 Fungal(Vulcan)

* 地形 Terrans
峡谷 Canyons
雾瘴 The Miasma

外星遗迹 Alien Relics
浮石 Floatstone
地热喷口 Geothermal Vents

* 城市 Cities

* 基站 Stations

* 胜利条件 Victory Condition

- 超越胜利 Transcendence Victory (和谐向)

- 应许之地 Promised Land (纯净向)

- 物种解放 Emancipation (主宰向)

- 接触胜利 Contact

- 支配胜利 Domination

* 其他 Other Features
外交 Diplomacy
谍报 Covert Ops
任务 Quests
发表于 2014-4-14 14:00:15 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-14 15:07:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-14 15:10:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-14 15:54:52 | 显示全部楼层
Affinities感觉可以叫 “意理”,就是个换了名字的意识形态……
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发表于 2014-4-17 11:04:01 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-17 11:54:40 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-17 15:56:07 | 显示全部楼层
我还是觉得 《超越地球》 比较好
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发表于 2014-4-17 19:34:23 | 显示全部楼层
提个建议,游戏背景剧情里那个“The Great Mistake”是否可以考虑译为“天大之误”,这是国内《海伯利安》译本中对同一个词的译法。在《海伯利安》世界观里,人类正是在犯下了“The Great Mistake”之后才不得不抛弃地球并殖民其它星系的,我觉得游戏选用这个词汇可能有致敬成分


[ 本帖最后由 Hyperion 于 2014-4-17 19:45 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-22 14:16:38 | 显示全部楼层
* 价值理念 Virtues

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发表于 2014-4-23 04:40:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-23 21:52:38 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-4-29 20:57:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-4-30 08:13:31 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-5-1 11:44:34 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-5-8 23:11:37 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-5-11 11:50:07 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2014-5-11 12:31:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2014-5-14 10:14:33 | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 shell 于 2014-5-14 10:18 编辑 ]
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发表于 2014-5-21 10:11:47 | 显示全部楼层

8 factions:

America (ARC)
East Asia (PAC)
India (Kavitha Protectorate)
Brazil (Brazilia)
Russia (Slavic Federation)
Europe (FrancoIberia)
Africa (PAU)


City-states are also gone in Beyond Earth, but much of the role they played in Civ 5 is now the domain of “stations.” Stations are independent businesses that take up a single tile (no more city-states hogging the best territory, hooray!) that establish themselves throughout the map over the early stages of the game. Stations offer opportunities for trade (via vulnerable trader units that will travel back and forth from your cities to the station) of particular kinds of resources and bonuses. For those stations closest to your first cities, you’ll often have a chance to choose which type of station they will be, so you’ll be able to tailor them to your interests and play-style, somewhat. Your active trade routes aren’t unlimited however, and stations will only trade with one civilization at a time — and they may become less friendly towards you if you neglect them for too long. In this way stations function as something “halfway between city-states and shared tile improvements,” according to Pete.

7 most exciting features - Gamercrate

#7 The African Union faction in Beyond Earth behaves a lot like Civ V‘s Shoshone, expanding and grabbing territory early and then fiercely defending it.
#6 Siege Worms are powerful alien units that you won’t be able to dispatch during the early stages of the game, and their travels through the Earth can lead to the destruction of tile improvements.
#5 Many areas of the planet will begin the game covered by a green mist that will damage your units…but dedicating yourself to the Harmony Affinity can allow you to research technologies that mean the mists heal your forces instead.
#4 The full-body animated leaders will change visually depending on what Affinity they are pursuing, with Purity leaders beginning to wear clothing with classical Roman influences.
#3 Affinities aren’t selected in the same way as social policies or religions in previous Civilization titles. Instead Affinities develop naturally as the result of many choices made over the course of a game.
#2 The Virtues system allows players to pursue victory in different ways, even when they have the same Affinity. Combining Supremacy with the Might and Knowledge Virtues can make you a technological military powerhouse, while Supremacy plus Industry and Prosperity will crank up the production of your cities.
#1 Players who follow the Harmony Affinity will have a chance to use a “Xeno Titan” unit…which was described by Firaxis as “basically a Kaiju.”

Tech Web
"The traditional "tech tree" is also gone, replaced with a "tech web." Technologies towards the center of the web are grounded in near-future developments or even current fields like biology, chemistry, et cetera. Expand toward the fringes of the (very large) web and you'll find speculative technology and the realms of science fiction. Additionally, each technology on the web is accompanied by sub-technologies, giving you more room to specialize in a given field."

[ 本帖最后由 ikariam 于 2014-5-21 10:20 编辑 ]
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